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Student & Youth Accounts

Compare all Checking Accounts
Own your money
  • Campus Checking

    Account Features


    Bank on Any Device

    Get account notifications and view eStatements, on every device.


    Visa® Debit Card

    Spend conveniently with a free debit card that’s accepted almost everywhere.

    Overdraft Protection

    Prevent the hassle and embarrassment of a declined card.


    No Monthly Service Charge

    Never worry about pesky service charges.

    Identity Theft Protection

    Protect yourself with free, professional recovery services.


    Free ATM Transactions

    Enjoy up to 6 free ATM transactions per month.*

  • College Savings

    Account Features


    Bank on Any Device

    Get account notifications and view eStatements, on every device.

    Earn Dividends

    Earn competitive dividends on average daily balances of $10 or more.

    Automatic Transfers

    Set it up and forget about it. Grow your account over time.

  • Cuga Kid's Club

    How to Earn Cuga Club Dollars

    Earn One Cuga Club DollarEarn Two Cuga Club Dollars:
    Deposit $5 or MoreParticipate in a Credit Union of Georgia Activity
    Earn “A’s” or “S’s” on a Report CardRecruit Someone Else to Join Credit Union of Georgia
    Celebrate a Birthday

    Redeem cash for cool prizes

    The more cash your child earns, the better prizes they can earn.

    • 3 Cuga Cash Dollars = Level 1 Gift Choice
    • 6 Cuga Cash Dollars = Level 2 Gift Choice
    • 9 Cuga Cash Dollars = Level 3 Gift Choice

    CUGA Kid’s Club Resources


    Free Apps for Kids

    View Apps

    Free Color Sheets

    Get Color Sheets

    Parent Resources

    View Parent Resources

Access to 30,000 fee-free ATMs nationwide and 5,000 shared branches

A simple, straightforward mobile banking experience

View accounts, transfer money, pay bills and deposit checks. Complete simple banking tasks in 60 seconds.

Here’s how it works



Open an Account

It doesn’t take long. Contact us or open your account right here online.


Set Up Digital Banking

Set up mobile and online banking, and start receiving eStatements. Connect with your finances in just a few clicks or taps.


Manage Your Money

Set up direct deposit to make sure your money always goes straight to the account you want it in.

I’ve always preferred credit unions over traditional banks, but Credit Union of Georgia goes above and beyond my expectations. It’s always a personal experience where we feel welcomed and not a burden. We have personal accounts, our business account, and our children’s savings here. All accounts are easily accessible and fees that big banks charge don’t occur. We’ll be members for life!

Kaleigh H.
The fine print
*Transactions include each check received and/or paid (paper and bill pay), all ACH transactions, cash deposits, and over the counter withdrawals.