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Business Checking Accounts

Compare Business Checking Accounts
Own your money
  • Performance Checking

    Account Features


    Bank on Any Device

    Get account notifications and view eStatements, on every device.


    Cash Orders and Deposits

    Coins are $0.05 per $1 and cash above $3K is $0.25 per $100.

    Visa® Debit Card

    Spend conveniently with a free debit card that’s accepted almost everywhere.


    200/Month Free Transactions

    The first 200 transactions are free each month. $0.20 each after that.*

    Skip the Service Fees

    Monthly service fee of $10 is waived if your balance is above $5,000.


    Free ATM Transactions

    Enjoy up to 6 free ATM transactions per month.*

  • Entrepreneur Checking

    Account Features


    Bank on Any Device

    Get account notifications and view eStatements, on every device.


    Cash Orders and Deposits

    Coins are $0.05 per $1 and cash above $2K is $0.25 per $100.

    Visa® Debit Card

    Spend conveniently with a free debit card that’s accepted almost everywhere.


    150/Month Free Transactions

    The first 150 transactions are free each month. $0.20 each after that.*

    Skip the Service Fees

    Monthly service fee of $6. Waived if your balance is above $1500.


    Free ATM Transactions

    Enjoy up to 6 free ATM transactions per month.*

  • Partner in Education Checking

    Account Features


    Bank on Any Device

    Get account notifications and view eStatements, on every device.


    No Transaction Fees

    Take advantage of unlimited transactions.*

    Visa® Debit Card

    Spend conveniently with a free debit card that’s accepted almost everywhere.


    No Cash Order/Deposit Fees

    Don’t worry about cash orders or deposit fees.

    No Monthly Service Charge

    Never worry about pesky service charges.


    Unlimited ATM Transactions

    Enjoy unlimited free ATM transactions.*

Access to 30,000 fee-free ATMs nationwide and 5,000 shared branches

Here’s how it works



Open an Account

Open a business checking account online. You’ll need your business and registration documents handy.


Set Up Digital Banking

Set up online banking, and start receiving eStatements. Connect with your finances in just a few clicks or taps.


Take Your Business Forward

Get the resources and tools you need to grow. Access your account on any device and talk to real people when you need help.

If you want a bank that will truly help and go out of the way to take care of your needs you have found it! I have been banking with the institution for 30+ years and our whole family is here. We are like family here you get out what you put into relationships!

Jim H.
The fine print
*Transactions include each check received and/or paid (paper and bill pay), all ACH transactions, cash deposits, and over the counter withdrawals.