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Business Services & Resources

Credit Union of Georgia offers an entire range of services and resources for businesses and their employees. Here are just a few:


  • Merchant Services
  • Night Depository
  • 24-Hour Telephone Banking with MARS
  • Complete Online Banking Services
  • SEP, KEOGH and IRA Plans
  • Financial and Estate Planning
  • Insurance Planning
  • Mutual Funds and Other Investment Vehicles
  • Personal Lines of Credit
  • Vehicle Loans
  • Mortgage/Real Estate Loans

Business Research, Creation & Development Resources:


The Edge Connection

The Edge Connection has a 17-year history of leveraging micro and small business development as an effective economic development strategy for both the individuals we serve and the communities in which they live. We are committed to delivering high-quality education, resources, and support services to meet the immediate and long-term demands of our emerging business clients. To ensure that we are meeting the broad scope of needs related to sustainable business development, we offer a comprehensive group of programs that work in cooperation to address elemental and progressive fundamentals, from conception through growth and expansion.

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UGA Small Business Development Center @ KSU

The UGA – SBDC @ KSU offers entrepreneurs, start-ups and small businesses in Cobb and Cherokee County the tools and information they need to thrive. In addition to free one-on-one consulting services, they offer continuing education in a variety of subjects including: Loan Preparation, Pricing Strategies, Financial Score Carding, Digital Marketing Strategy & SEO, Business Plan Development and Product Development.

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Ready to get started?

See what it takes to open a Business Account with Credit Union of Georgia.