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Checking Accounts

Compare all Checking Accounts
Own your money
  • Classic Checking

    Account Features


    Bank on Any Device

    Receive account notifications, manage funds, transfer between accounts and more, on every device.


    Identity Theft Protection

    Protect yourself with free, professional recovery services.


    Visa® Debit Card

    Spend conveniently with a free debit card that’s accepted almost everywhere.


    Overdraft Protection

    Prevent the hassle and embarrassment of a declined card.

    No Monthly Service Charge

    Never worry about pesky service charges.


    Free ATM Transactions

    Enjoy up to 6 free ATM transactions per month.**

  • Direct Connect Checking

    Account Features


    Bank on Any Device

    Receive account notifications, manage funds, transfer between accounts and more, on every device.


    Identity Theft Protection

    Protect yourself with free, professional recovery services.

    Visa® Debit Card

    Spend conveniently with a free debit card that’s accepted almost everywhere.


    Overdraft Protection

    Prevent the hassle and embarrassment of a declined card.

    $4 Monthly Service Charge

    Have it waived if you maintain an average daily balance of only $500.*


    Unlimited ATM Transactions

    Make withdrawals anywhere. Enjoy unlimited free ATM transactions.

  • Legacy Checking

    Account Features


    Bank on Any Device

    Receive account notifications, manage funds, transfer between accounts and more, on every device.


    Identity Theft Protection

    Protect yourself with free, professional recovery services.

    Visa® Debit Card

    Spend conveniently with a free debit card that’s accepted almost everywhere.


    Overdraft Protection

    Prevent the hassle and embarrassment of a declined card.

    No Monthly Service Charge

    Never worry about pesky service charges.


    Free ATM Transactions

    Enjoy up to 10 free ATM transactions per month.**

Access to 30,000 fee-free ATMs nationwide and 5,000 shared branches

A simple, straightforward mobile banking experience

View accounts, transfer money, pay bills and deposit checks. Complete simple banking tasks in less than 60 seconds.

Here’s how it works



Open an Account

Open the perfect checking account, completely online, with just a $25 deposit. No minimum balances after that.


Set Up Digital Banking

Set up online banking and start receiving eStatements. Connect with your finances in just a few clicks or taps.


Enjoy a New Way to Bank

Money doesn’t have to be complicated. We’ve spent years perfecting our accounts, digital resources and service so that it’s not.

Just opened an account and couldn’t have received better service. Bob was terrific! Finally, I don’t feel like a number in a financial institution!

Jean T.
The fine print
*Alternatively, maintain a $2,500 aggregate balance in deposits. **Additional transactions are $1 each.